Carly Forest
Street Address
Vancouver, BC
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Carly Forest
The retreat includes skill training in relaxation and meditation methods as well as gentle stretching mindful movement exercises and psychological inquiring practices. During the program I will be asked to practice these appropriate to my abilities. I understand that if for any reason I am unable to, or think it unwise to engage in these techniques and exercises either during the sessions at the retreat or at home, I am under no obligation to engage in these techniques nor will I hold Carly Forest, or any other instructor(s) or assistants liable for any injuries incurred from these exercises. This retreat is designed to help me learn these skills appropriately and to never push beyond my capabilities. This retreat is in no way a substitute for medical care or psychotherapy. If it was appropriate for medical or psychotherapeutic reasons as listed on this application, I have consulted with my physician and/or therapist about my ability to participate in this retreat. I have obtained their written agreement to enter the program, and their willingness to consult with me as appropriate for the duration of the program. I have provided Carly Forest with all relevant information about my medical and psychotherapeutic care. I understand that it is my responsibility to talk with Carly Forest and or her assistants if I have health or mental health concerns, and when necessary I will seek appropriate treatment. I assume all risk for any physical or mental health consequences of participating in this retreat I also understand that my teacher may advise me to seek medical and psychological treatment during the retreat if necessary or require me to leave the retreat if my behaviour is potentially harmful to myself or others.
I have read, fully understand and agree to the above terms.
First Name
Last Name
Thank you!